C5 is geocaching with an EPIC twist. (See the next box below to find out what geocaching is!) Instead of just finding random treasures which could be the ring from a candy ring pop (yes I have found one) to a new dog shirt or dope (C5) wrist bands of encouragement.
Geocaching is international treasure hunting. And yes its legal! If you have a smart phone, you have a GPS, which will allow you to find the treasures hidden and found by millions around the world! You can download the app and start treasure hunting today for free!
Bored? Need to step away from your computer or TV for a few minutes? I know I do all the time. Go on a treasure hunt and maybe find a C5 while you're at it Get the app, and the adventure begins right in your city! (And its free, yes.)
He's nobody. But he loves Jesus, geography, and adventure. Hence geocaching (geographical adventure) with Jesus. And he wants others to know the lasting peace, joy, and hope he has that no one or nothing in this world can take no matter what happens in life! Can it get any simplier and awesomistic than that!?!?!? Hah!